Express Magazine: A Desire to Include

During a local chowder festival six years ago, Keturah Hurst met a young man representing his mother’s restaurant in the contest. He was kind and enthusiastic, full of energy and beaming with hope. He enjoyed the feeling of being part of the community, the feeling of being accepted. His name is Paul Drum and though Down syndrome is part of his identity, the 33-year-old has made it his life’s mission for everyone, regardless of status, race, or creed, to having that same feeling of inclusion.

Read the full story here.

Express Magazine: The Women of Wine

Wine culture on the East End has taken on many forms. Though considerably new compared to traditional agriculture and farming, the Hamptons and North Fork are the two most prominent areas of Long Island wine country, and today are recognized nationwide. It’s not just the viniculture that has helped define the industry landscape, but beverage programs at restaurants and curated wine shops elevating the drinker experience. There is also the undeniable growth of a movement of women making their mark in all industries. Locally, women leading the way in the world of wine is not a new concept.

Read the full story here.

Express Magazine: Bluefish Delish

It can be potent, meaty and oily; but while some shy away from the abundant bluefish, East End natives — those who fish and chefs alike — know prepared properly the powerful fish can be a delicious, and healthy, addition to the seafood dishes crafted for the summer table.

Feisty on and offshore, bluefish are a fight to catch and biologically designed to chase after other fish during menhaden runs, resulting in a meatier, oilier fish. These voracious feeders are one of few saltwater anglers actually want to be a small catch, with the average market size being just a few pounds.

Read the full story here.